Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday, April 25th, 
 Spin-In @ Judith's
Gloria, Mona, Catherine and Darlene
Judith, Lis and Darlene
Sherry, Trudy, Sharon

Trudy and Sharon
Elvi and Bea
Michelle and Glenda
Sara was able to join us after lunch.

Judith served a wonderful soup with fresh baked bread along with a new recipe she tried, sheet pie.  Lunch was delicious.  It's always nice to get together with such a wonderful group of gals!
After lunch we had show and tell from Elvi - showing us her samples of the tea towels we will be working on at the fall fairs.   Sherry brought along her samples from the Jane Stafford's Colour and Design Workshop she took on Salt Spring Island. We have such great talent in this group!