Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May Meeting Minutes

May 5 Spinners and Weavers Meeting
7 p.m.

Goodies: Thanks to Judith and Lis for doing refreshments.

Meeting called to Order at 7 p.m.
Guests /members present 23, 24 later.
Additions to Agenda, Judith under workshops, Nikki under new business and a program with Gudie.

Adoption of previous minutes, Correction to treasurer's report. Gabriele moved the amended minutes be adopted, seconded Mona, carried.

Treasurer: Noelle
Vav subscription is overdue, Moved by Noelle that we renew for 2 years and
Lisa seconded. Carried.

Noelle moved her report be adopted, seconded Lisa, carried.

Noelle will order Ply.

Gudie still has signing authority on our account. Some discussion about having two signatures on each cheque. Judith suggested two signatures are common practice. Elvi and Lis suggested that the status quo is okay. Judith moved that we have two signatures on each cheque and to add four people to the signing authority. Darlene seconded. The following names to be added: Marianne Nikmo, Elizabeth Borthwick, Elvi Pukas, Gabriele Clark in addition to Noelle Cox and Gudie Haupfauer for a total of 6 persons with signing authority. Carried. 

Library: Darlene put in a few new magazines.

Equipment: One set of combs are still on loan

Workshops/ programs: 

Judith reported on the knitting workshop for July at her home and brought
handouts describing the three sessions

Gudrun is giving a workshop on analysing fabric on May 24 at 10 a.m. at her
home. Contact her before this date.

Historian: Wendy has updated the book and she told a little about the process of
adding information. Save newspaper articles for her and she will add
these to our book.

Old Business:

Signing on guild account, dealt with under the treasurer's report.
Subscription to Ply and Vav, dealt with under the treasurer's report.

Sheep to Shawl: Katie and Bea are joining Ann, Nikki, Sara, and Elvi.

Enderby Arts Festival: July 26 contact Lis regarding this.

Blanket and Waulking Project: 2 blankets woven, Elvi to weave this week.

Tea towels; Warp on the guild loom to weave on. Sign the book if interested in doing a tea towel

New Business:
Nikki: Beverley Christianson has invited our guild to participate in the 100
years celebration of the first school and post office. In principal we are
interested but we need dates and more information.

Election of new executive at June Meeting - nominating committee. Lis has checked out with the current executive and a new President is needed.

June 2 potluck: Lisa moves we have our potluck at Clare's on June 2 at 6 p.m., seconded by
Jenn , Carried. This is a potluck meal.

Fibres Unlimited at Clare's in the afternoon, begins at 2 p.m.

Also bring your Bash the Stash exchange, a maximum of two items, sign a draw slip and put your name in the draw.

Brown Bag Exchange: Bring in finished product from last December's meeting.
Upcoming events and dates:
Haney Heritage Village dates:
Father's Day. June 15. 8:30 - 2. Spinning on the porch
Pioneer Days July 13. 8:30 - 2 spinning and our milling frolic
Classic Car show. Aug 10. 9:00 - 2 spinning on the porch
Diversity Quilt Show June 21 10 - 7. We are invited to use the porch and
grounds around Haney House to spin, demonstrate our craft and to have a
vendors marketplace. Gabriele to coordinate.

June 7 Donkey Days in Turtle Valley

July 26 Enderby Arts Festival

August 11 - 30. Art Gallery Days in Salmon Arm

IPE August 27 to 31

Salmon Arm Fall Fair. Sept 5, 6, & 7 Check out the classes for weaving in the Textiles and Needle Arts plus spinning classes for yarn. Remember to send in entry form by the deadline. Participation is the backbone of any Fair.

Spin -ins:

May 13 Tuesday at Mona's 10 - 2. "
May 20 Tuesday at Gudie's 10 - 2. "

Adjournment: Lis adjourned the meeting at 7:50

Program: Gudie showed chain plying (3 ply) and adding beads. She showed how to keep the colours separate and distinct when using this method to create yarn.

Show and Tell: interesting, varied and informative. Bea took pictures so check out the blog.

Recorded by Ann Nikmo