Thursday, February 9, 2012

Shuswap Spinners and Weavers Feb. 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by president, Gabriele.
 2 new members introduced themselves; Venke and Barbara

Minutes of Previous meeting::    Gudrun W. moved the minutes of the December meeting be adopted,  seconded by Clare F. Carried.

Treasurer's Report:  Noelle Cox presented the income and expenditures of the last few months. A question about the Christmas Party expenses was answered.  Noelle moved the treasurer's report be adopted, seconded by Julia A.  Carried.

Library Report:  Darlene mentioned members with overdue books. 
Gwen M. donated a book to the library and Sharon W. brought two other donated books.

Equipment: Outstanding rentals were mentioned.  Please pay promptly.

Christmas Sale:  Gudie H.,  Julia A. and Rita W. to spearhead the organization of this event. Thank you.

Sheep to Shawl Fall Fair Convenors: Elvi has volunteered and Gudie H. will also help.  Thank you.

Budget:  Noelle presented a budget showing projected expenditures and expected income as well as a summary of income and expenditures for the last five years.

Fashion Show: There were many points of discussion based on the preliminary committee suggestions:
           -Tickets rather than admission by donation was suggested as was the organization of a sales table for the event.
            -Members expressed the view that having it in a small venue and having it filled was more desirable than having a larger venue without a full house.  The Art Gallery seats 90.
            - Louise suggested the theme reflect an image of high class products.
            - Elvi suggested that as we are an "Art"  any donations be made to SAGA                - Darlene suggested that profits should be reinvested in the guild.

Motion:   Moved by Gwen that the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers host and sponsor a Wearable Art event for the community at large with a budget of $300 to cover the costs of such an event.       Seconded by Sharon, Carried.  Suggested Fashion Show date is Sunday October 28, 2 pm.

Next Committee meeting for Fashion Show  Feb 25th, 1 pm at Gudrun W.'s home.

Country Spinning Wheel: Noelle compared the cost from two sources and learned that a new country   spinner would cost about $600.  Melissa and Rita mentioned that on Craig's List and Etsey there may be ones for sale for a lesser price.  Discussion ensued as to whether the guild wants to purchase a spinning wheel of this type.  Decision postponed until the March meeting, members are urged to discuss and think about this item in February.

Mannequins:  Mona moved we supply four mannequins for 3 months to the Shuswap Singers.    Seconded by Catherine B. Carried. 

Workshops:  Gudrun W. presented overshot samples to inspire members.  The Overshot workshop is  March 24, 25 at Piccadilly Mall.  Cost is $70 plus paper copies for the two days.
           Kim McKenna is available April 14th to do a workshop.  Interested members should review the    options and let Gudrun W. know their wishes soon. Costs $400 per day plus travel expenses.
            May 2012 Double weave Workshop
            Elvi suggested that not all workshops need organized through the guild - plan a workshop, state   a date and cost and see if it goes so Gudrun doesn't have to spend so much time organizing and agonizing over workshops.  This item will be revisited at the March meeting.

Spin-Ins, Knit-Ins, etc - come to Piccadilly Mall Feb 20 to 24th from 10 am to 4pm daily to participate in Heritage Days. Come for the day, a couple of hours, a visit bringing your    enthusiasm and expertise.  Melissa volunteered to help do a display showing the Back to Back Challenges from last year.  Please email her any photos of the February and/or May 2011 events.  Ann will display both sweaters on mannequins.

Meeting for April:
Gabriele moved that the April meeting have no business meeting but a program and Show and Tell.  Seconded by Rita.  Carried.  This means Spin-In, Knit-In dates and other business items are done at the March and May meetings.

Adjournment:  Gudie H. moved the meeting be adjourned.  

Next Meeting:  7pm March 5th, 2012.  
Fibres Unlimited meets earlier (extra room is rented from 2 to 4 pm) - a great time to peruse the library, chat, learn new skills and maybe even get something produced.

Show and Tell:  Many wonderful and varied knitted, woven, felted, and spun items were shown as well wooden, paper and other fibre  items.

Minutes recorded by Ann Nikmo.